Results for 'Sarkis Za tar'

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  1. Mulāḥaẓāt ḥawla tārīkh Lubnān ; yatbaʻuhu, Baḥth fī al-manṭiq al-ḥadīth ; Madkhal ilá ʻilm al-jamālīyāt.Sarkīs Zaʻtar - 1986 - [Beirut]: Maktabat al-Sāʼiḥ.
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  2. Marksistko-leninska filosofii︠a︡: uchebnik za studentite ot visshite tekhnicheski uchebni zavedenii︠a︡.Sarkis Sarkisian & Stefan Stoilkov (eds.) - 1987 - Sofii︠a︡: Izdatelstvo Nauka i Izkustvo.
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  3. Problemŭt za svoĭsvoto.Sarkis Sarkisi︠a︡n - 1977
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    (1 other version)Recent lukács scholarship in eastern europe: A trend report from hungary.Zoltán Tar & Judith Marcus - 1986 - Studies in East European Thought 31 (1):27-37.
  5. Kŏnnŏlsu ŏmnŭn pʻian: Yŏngwŏn ŭi esei.Tar-yŏng Yu (ed.) - 1976 - Sŏul: Chinmun Chʻulpʻansa.
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    Irādah-ʼi āzād va nāʹtaʻyyunʹgarāyī =.Bahrām ʻAlīzādah - 2020 - Tihrān: Sāzmān-i Intishārāt-i Pizhūhishgāh-i Farhang va Andīshah-i Islāmī.
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  7. Tarih Boyunca Kuşatılan Özgürlük Adaları; Kentler.Tarık Demirkan - 1996 - Cogito 3.
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    La notion de grand événement: approche épistémologique.Jean-Guy Sarkis - 1999 - Paris: Cerf.
    La 4e de couverture indique : "Ce qui se passe, se produit ou arrive et qui présente une certaine importance pour les hommes " : pareille définition, en raison de son manque de rigueur scientifique, ne saurait satisfaire l'auteur de cet ouvrage. Le grand événement y est présenté comme une notion susceptible de faire l'objet d'une approche authentiquement épistémologique. Rejetée du système scientifique de façon tapageuse, hâtive et passionnelle durant la majeure partie du XXe siècle par contagion disciplinaire en dépit (...)
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    A nonhuman primate perspective on affiliation.Weinstein Tar & J. P. Capitanio - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3).
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    The Tragic Vision in Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı’s poem “Korktuğum Şey”.Özcan Tarık - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:515-519.
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    Spiritual and Secular Death as Part of Tradition and Modernity “Karpuz Kabuğundan Gemiler Yapmak” (Making Ships From Watermelon Shell) and “Paramparça” (Shattered) Films.Tarık Güvendi̇ - 2023 - Dini Araştırmalar 26 (64):207-240.
    Gravestones and inscription stones, which are among the oldest indicators of the phenomenon of death engraved in the public memory with images and rituals, are the ancient interpreters of the consciousness of death, which is the redemption of human beings as conscious beings. The phenomenon of death or dying, which was domesticated through a natural spirituality in antiquity, and a monotheistic religiosity in the Middle Ages, loses its spirituality by becoming profaned in the hands of consumer culture and is brutalized (...)
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  12. Arḍunā al-jadīdah.Khalīl Rāmiz Sarkīs - 1962 - Bayrūt: Manshūrāt al-Nadwah al-Lubnānīyah.
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    La révolution syrienne, deuxième génération.Farrid-Frédéric Sarkis - 2012 - Multitudes 50 (3):140-148.
    Résumé Un fils d’opposant syrien de longue date raconte comment on suit depuis la France par les réseaux, ce qui est devenu peu à peu une guerre civile, à laquelle seul le rapport de forces des armes apportera un point final.
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    Topical Problems Considered in the Bulgarian Journal.Sarkis Sarkisyan - 1979 - Dialectics and Humanism 6 (4):153-164.
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    Time story.Norman Sarkies - 2008 - Cambridge, England: Vanguard Press.
    Personal reflections on the author's life, religion, and the current state of the world.
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  16. al-Majmūʻah al-manṭiqīyah: wa-taḥtawī ʻalá al-tadhhīb lil-Khabīṣī ʻalá Tahdhīb al-manṭiq wa-al-kalām lil-Taftāzānī, wa-ʻalayhi ḥāshīyatān, al-Tajrīd al-shāfī ʻalá Tahdhīb al-manṭiq al-kāfī lil-ʻAllāmah Muḥammad ibn ʻArafah al-Dusūqī wa-Ḥāshiyat al-ʻAllāmah Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār wa-Hawāmish lil-Shaykh ʻAbd al-Majīd al-Sharnūbī.Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar Taftāzānī - 2022 - Karkūk, al-ʻIrāq: Maktabat Amīr. Edited by Khālid ibn Khalīl ibn Ibrāhīm Zāhidī, ʻAbd al-Karīm Kānī Sayfī, ʻUbayd Allāh ibn Faḍl Allāh Khabīṣī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ʻArafah Dasūqī, Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ʻAṭṭār & ʻAbd al-Majīd Sharnūbī.
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    Iqbal, his poetry and philosophy.Jagan Nāth Āzād - 1981 - Mysore: Prasaranga, University of Mysore.
    On Sir Muhammad Iqbal, 1877-1938, Urdu poet.
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  18. Hadhā Sharḥ al-Shamsīyah li-ʻayn al-ʻulamāʼ al-aʻlām wa-marjiʻ dhawī al-manṭiq wa-al-kalām man ishtahara bi-al-taḥqīq ʻan al-qāṣī wa-al-dānī mawlānā Saʻad al-Dīn al-Taftāzānī.Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar Taftāzānī - 1894 - [Cairo]: [Publisher Not Identified]. Edited by Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī.
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  19. Bishārat: khudā bih zādgāhash ba̲z mīʹgardad.Hūshang Muʻīnʹzādah - 2005 - France: Āz̲arakhsh.
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    The Aesthetic DimensionThe Frankfort School.Charles Dyke, Herbert Marcuse & Zolton Tar - 1978 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (2):222.
  21. Department of Sociology, University of Alaska, College, Alaska Anaktuvuk Pass in the heart of the Brooks Range is about l20 miles from the Arctic Ocean. It is home for ll0. [REVIEW]Sarkis Atamian - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 15--184.
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  22. Maḥarozet-peninim: me-otsrot-ḥakhamenu ʻal ha-yirʼah ṿe-ʻal ha-deʼagah..H. Tarʼel (ed.) - 1987 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Or ha-sefer.
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    Taz̲hīb al-marām: tarjumahʹī az Tahz̲īb al-kalām-i Taftāzānī.Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar Taftāzānī - 2002 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Tavakkulī. Edited by Muḥammad Raʼūf Tavakkulī & Fakhr al-Dīn Rūdbārī.
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    A political theorist from eastern europe.Zoltán Tar - 1985 - Studies in East European Thought 29 (4):311-317.
  25. Shai la-bat.H. Tarʼel - 1987 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat "Orah" sheluḥat sifre ha-ḳeriʼah bi-Mekhon "Or ha-sefer".
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    Études dix-huitiémistes bulgares.Raїa Zaїmova - 2020 - Revue de Synthèse 140 (3-4):457-462.
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    Muḥīuddīn ibn-i ʻArabī aur un ke afkār: maʻ Sayyid Muḥammad Jonpūrī, Aḥmad Shāh Abdālī..Muḥammad ʻAbādullāh Ak̲h̲tar - 2005 - Lāhaur: Tak̲h̲līqāt.
    Critical study chiefly of the teachings of Ibn al-ʻArabī, 1165-1240 and various other noted Muslim personalities.
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  28. Selected Correspondence, 1902-1920.Georg Lukács, Judith Marcus & Zoltan Tar - 1988 - Science and Society 52 (2):237-239.
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    Guidelines for Conducting HIV Research with Human Subjects at a U.S. Military Medical Center.Eric S. Marks, Sarkis S. Derderian & H. Linton Wray - 1992 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 14 (1):7.
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  30. Materii︠a︡ i dvizhenie.Sarkis Sarkisi︠a︡n - 1970
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  31. Pʻilisopʻayowtʻyowně ew hasarakakan kyankʻě.Sarkis Sarkisi︠a︡n - 1973
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  32. The concept on entropy in communication.Yeram Sarkis Touloukian - 1956 - Lafayette, Ind.,: Purdue University.
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    Postcolonial History, Memory and the Poetic Imagination.James Tar Tsaaior - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 7 (17):28-39.
    This paper, therefore, ploughs the furrow of postcolonial history, memory and the poetic imagination deploying the poetry of the Nigerian poet Joe Ushie.In particular, the paper negotiates the Rwandan genocide as a tragic foreground of the imperial process through its indulgent, artificial fixing of boundaries to accomplish its empire-building project in Africa. But beyond the colonial mediation in, and onslaught on, the cultures of others, the paper argues that African societies have also been complicit in their agonistic and violent history (...)
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  34. Ḥāshiyat... al-Sayyid Muḥammad Zāhid ibn Muḥammad Aslam al-ʻAlawī al-Ḥusaynī al-Ḥanafī al-Ḥanīfī al-Harawī ʻala Sharḥ Jalāl al-Dīn al-Dawwānī al-Ṣiddīqī ʻalá Hayākil al-nūr lil-Shaykh Shihāb al-Dīn al-maqtūl..Mīr Zāhid & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad - unknown - Edited by Muṣṭafá ibn ʻUthmān ibn Aḥmad ibn Zayn al-Ṣayyād Marṣafī & Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī.
    Mīr Zāhid's glosses on al-Dawwānī's commentary on al-Suhrawardī's Hayākil al-nūr on Islamic philosophy.
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    Kadiç Kroniğindeki Bosna Şehir Şiirleri.Ali Rıza Özuygun - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 4):683-683.
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    Existence et réalité.Zádor Tordai - 1967 - Budapest,: Maison d'édition de l'Académie des sciences de Hongrie.
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  37. Naẓariyāt-i siyāsī-i falāsafah-ʼi Gharb, yā, Mujāhadah dar taʼlīf-i bayn-i fard va jamʻ (indīvīdūālīsm va kūliktīvīsm).Bahāʼ al-Dīn Pāzārgād - 1954 - Tihrān: Shirkat-i Nisbī-i Muḥammad Ḥusayn Iqbāl va Shurakāʼ, bā hamkārī-i Muʼassasah-i Intishārāt-i Firānkilīn.
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  38. (1 other version)Tārīkh-i falsafah-ʼi siyāsī, yā, Sayr-i tārīkhī-i afkār va ʻaqāyid-i siyāsī az āghāz-i tārīkh tā zamān-i muʻāṣir: bi-z̤amīmah-i qaṭʻāt-i muntakhabah az matn-i ās̲ār-i falāsifah-i siyāsī.Bahāʼ al-Dīn Pāzārgād - 1954 - [Tehran?: [S.N.].
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    El-Makâsıd: Kelâm ilminin maksatları: (inceleme - çeviri - elestirmeli metin).Masʻūd ibn ʻUmar Taftāzānī - 2019 - İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu. Edited by İrfan Eyibil & Ahmet Kaylı.
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    Receding Horizon Control of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus by Using Nonlinear Programming.Hamza Khan, József K. Tar, Imre Rudas, Levente Kovács & György Eigner - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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    Mudhakkirāt fī al-naẓarīyāt al-ʻāmmah lil-qānūn al-dustūrī.Muḥammad Faraj Zāʼidī - 2017 - Zlītin, Lībyā: Dār wa-Maktabat Bin Ḥammūdah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  42. Islamic conception of love and goodness.Abūlkalām Āzād - 1970 - Karachi: Peermahomed Ebrahim Trust.
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    A Sunni & Shiite Synthetic Approach to The Imamate Problem: Shamsaddin as-Samarqandī's Political View.Tarık Tanribi̇li̇r - 2023 - Kader 21 (1):199-224.
    One of the problems regarding one of the breaking points in the history of Islamic thought is the presidency. Muslims did not only fall into a theoretical conflict on this issue, but unfortunately, they also engaged in actual battles. The disagreement among Muslims has retained its influence to the present day and has shaped both the religious and worldly views of Muslims. The debate on the identity of the candidate who will assume the role of Muhammad and organize the religious (...)
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    Ḥaqīqat-i muntaẓir.Aḥmad Rafīq Ak̲h̲tar - 2004 - Lāhaur: Sang-i Mīl Pablīkeshanz.
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    Yih āsmān̲ bhī rastah hai.Aḥmad Rafīq Ak̲h̲tar - 2005 - Lāhaur: Sang-i Mīl Pablīkeshanz. Edited by Sayyid Nasīm Taqī Jaʻfrī.
    Lectures on philosophy, religion and science given by noted Muslim scholar from South Asia.
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  46. Selected Correspondence 1902-1920, Dialogues with Weber, Simmel, Buber, Mannheim, and Others.Georg Lukács, Judith Marcus & Zoltán Tar - 1991 - Studies in Soviet Thought 41 (3):235-237.
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    Georg Lukacs: Selected Correspondence, 1902-1920.Judith Marcus & Zolton Tar (eds.) - 1986 - New York: Columbia University Press.
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    Maktab-i Falsafī-i Iṣfahān az nigāh-i dānishʹpizhūhān.Muḥammad Riz̤ā Zādʹhūsh (ed.) - 2012 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān.
    Islamic philosophy - Congresses ; Sufism - Congresses.
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    Sharḥ al-Risālah al-maʻmūlah fī al-taṣawwur wa-al-taṣdīq wa-taʻlīqātuh.Mīr Zāhid & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad - 1999 - [Qom]: MMaktabat al-Shahīd Sharīʻatī. Edited by Mahdī Sharīʻatī, Quṭb al-Taḥtānī & Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad.
    Philosophy, Islamic; Shiites; early works to 1800.
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    Tabārʹnāmah-i ishrāqiyān.Zahrā Zāriʻ - 2019 - Tihrān: Hirmis.
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